Monday, November 5, 2012

Primary Forms

Welcome back! I have been fleshing out the primary forms and trying to stay true to Alexander Calder's original. Some things I noticed after a lot of hours were that the legs on my piece are not as long as his original and that the arms were longer than his. I have been able to work on the length of the arms and so forth, but I'll have to own up to the shorter legs. There's an armature that would difficult to manipulate. That's ok with me because women come in all sizes and shapes anyways. I have been adding the clothing piece by piece. Here's where it becomes a sculpture in the art nouveau style in my opinion. Although it is still rough, I believe it will look wonderful with more time and attention. The head piece has been difficult for me to wrap my mind around. I took a picture of the back of the head when I saw it in person but the view offers very limited information. I will persist and use my artistic license where necessary. When I get it coming along, I'll take more picture and post them. I should include a disclaimer here.... my computer is crashing and is operating on borrowed time. The cpu has one foot out the door. I may have very limited access to the blog soon. But I will keep readers posted. Until then, happy sculpting!

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